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Why Is Human Resource Management Important?

Human resource (HR) management, often called HR or talent management, comprises all the activities companies undertake to hire, develop, and engage the workforce. And because talent is any organization’s most precious resource, effective HR management is critical to organizational success and growth.

Logistics Managers: The Unsung Heroes of Business Performance

Logistics managers are an integral part of a business organization as they help improve efficiency within the supply chain. The logistics managers are responsible for keeping inventory at optimal levels and propelling their companies forward. Their contribution directly impacts the customer experience as it correlates to orders being processed reliably and on time. Their ability to think quickly and strategically has helped logisticians become one of the top-paying business careers, with a median pay of $74,750 per year¹. Pursuing an MBA in Logistics can provide further opportunities for those looking to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. As the world's economy continues to soar, studying for an MBA in Logistics can have lucrative benefits.

6 Reasons You Should Invest in an Online Project Management Degree

If you want to start or advance to the next stage of your career and aren’t quite sure what’s next, maybe you should consider getting an online degree in project management (PM). Project managers are in high demand and earn an impressive salary. Plus, you can benefit from an extremely versatile skill set, realize your leadership potential, and enjoy flexible working arrangements. The icing on the cake? You can earn your degree online without upending your life. Keep reading to discover six great reasons why you should consider getting an online degree in project management!
Student Success Tips

How to Get Your Dream Job

It’s been years since you answered the common childhood question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” But despite the passage of time, you may still have that dream job in your sights. And even if your dream job has changed over the years, it’s still possible to achieve it with the right preparation and mindset.