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Career Advancement

What to Expect When Applying to MVNU Online Checklist

Thinking of applying to one of our online degree programs? That’s great! We created a detailed checklist that outlines the steps involved in the application process, how our asynchronous programs are structured, and what a typical week looks like for an MVNU Online learner. Let us know what program you're interested in, and download the checklist to learn more!
Career Advancement

How Much Can You Earn at Each Level of Education?

View the How Much Can You Earn at Each Level of Education infographic below, or download it as a PDF to access links and additional content using the button below.
Career Advancement

How Long Should You Wait to Ask For a Raise? Tips for Success

Throughout your career, there will be many points when it may be time to ask for a raise. Perhaps it’s been a while since you last had a salary adjustment, or maybe your job has changed, and you’ve taken on new responsibilities that warrant an increase.
Student Success Tips

What Is a Vocation and How Can You Find Yours?

Identifying your vocation is one of the most important things you can do in life. After all, once you find and pursue your true calling, you can do the work you feel you were meant to do. Following your passion is not only personally fulfilling but can also put you in a great position to help others.
Student Success Tips

How Working From Home Prepares You to Be an Online Learner

The last few years have seen a notable shift in how we work, learn, and interact, with more of these activities taking place in virtual environments. Remote work is on the rise, and some researchers and thought leaders have pointed out that virtual learning can prepare students to succeed in a remote or hybrid context.